Recognize the songs above? We sure do!
Having a Fun night of playing Music Bingo, is one ticket away.
“Music Bingo II”
The purchased ticket holder gets 1 Music Bingo Card to play 3 games
You recognize the “tune or chords played” mark your card
First one with 5 in a row, is a winner!
Prizes awarded
Thursday November 30, 2023
Loads of Fun and Laughter
Doors open at 6:30 Music Bingo starts at 7 – 8:30pm
Tickets $10.00pp / $15.00pp non-members
Tickets Tues/Thurs 2-4pm Mail Kiosk starts 11/14/23
Double your chances – You can purchase ONE extra card for $5.00!
Tickets Sold determine the Prizes awarded!
Share the Wealth – BYOB & Snacks